Thursday, June 6, 2013

The past few days

Lots of things have gone on these last few days.  Playing baseball in the front yard, walks around the neighborhood, birthday parties and then spending last night at mommy's salon.  R went to Pump it Up last night and had a blast.  We had to sneak out of there early to get to mommy's hair salon on time.  And then as a reward for being good, Sweet Frog!  I never thought that taking a 5 year old boy to a salon, would be fun. But it was!  Even more fun going to Sweet Frog afterwards.  R likes getting 4 different flavors of yogurt: Mango, Strawberry, Cookies n cream and chocolate with M&M's on top!

Tonight, mommy worked late but while daddy mowed the grass, we played on the swing set.  The bugs are bad right now, but we've been lucky with the temperatures!

Our attempt at getting a picture with mommy.  Just want to make sure they remember what I looked like when they were this little!  C just won't sit still!  Hopefully, one of these days, we can succeed!

Monday, June 3, 2013

1st day of Summer Fun

Today, R went to summer fun.  I'm glad he has something to do this summer as hanging out at home all day gets a little boring for him.  There is one Pre-K boy in his camp class who R met last year at Summer Fun.  R would see him at school this year and the boy hardly played with him.  I don't want to see my kid left out, so it was sad that the older boy didn't pay attention to R.  Well today at camp, R said that he would rather play with a little girl and drew starfish and played with colored sand. 
When mommy and daddy got home from school, daddy made tacos although, neither buddy boy ate them.   And then it was outside play before the rain hit. 

Love the ensemble R put together for his first day of summer fun camp.  It was 90 degrees here today, so who would have thought he'd put on a long sleeve shirt?  Oh well.  Love that picture of C.  It feels like 2 weeks ago, the boy actually started smiling at the camera and now he's saying "cheese".  That's one of a few words C even says.  2 days a week of speech therapy, but the boy is getting better and better every day. Love how the Wildman took the door off the cozy coupe and the top!  He loves it that way and will play in it for hours. 

Before the bugs got too bad, one of our last outdoor activity was hiding ducky (the same duck he got a Busch Gardens on Sat) and then drawing a treasure map as to where ducky could be found.  It was all R's idea too, so lots of fun.  My boy is getting good at coming up with fun games to play. 
Both boys were in the bath and then dressed for bed by 9!  R got 4 books out of us tonight--- one of his favorite things to do! And that makes this mama really happy! 
Good night!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

An end to a wonderful weekend

Today was a wind down day.  After playing hard these last 3 days, we tried to lay low.  After sleeping in until 9:00 a.m. for R and mommy, we enjoyed chocolate chip pancakes and bacon made by Daddy!  Then Mommy cleaned the kitchen and threw lots away!  Then we ventured out to the grocery store and bought lots of snacks!  Spent over $100 and felt like we only got two dinners, breakfast for the week, lunches for the week and snacks.  Food is expensive! 
We were able to earn us .50 cents off a galloon at the gas station though, so that was worth something.  But mommy still spent $60 to fill up her tank.  I'm sure one day when you boys read this, you'll think $60 is cheap, or you all won't even know that gas was used in cars growing up. Guess we'll wait and see!
Mommy took no pictures today, so I have nothing to show!  Daddy went and played tennis and we went to see cousin R play lacrosse at a local elementary school.  Lots of fun seeing him play! 

Back to work tomorrow for mommy, but the good news is she works a full week and then another 4 day weekend!  Happy Summer to me!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Busch Gardens

We survived our first Busch Gardens visit!  Well actually our second since we did go during Christmas when C was a baby.  Our visit didn't start off well with the issues with tickets, but we finally got it all worked out after another $50 was spent. But oh well, we had tons of fun!
R immediately spotted the skyride when we first entered BG!  But we skipped it and kept walking to the Sesame Street Place and that quickly changed our moods.  The boys had a blast!  We went on a water ride

 The boys wanted different colored balloons so ended up on separate ones.
and C rode the planes by himself because his brother was on the swings.  The poor guy stayed low b/c he didn't know to pull the lever in the plane to make it go up and down.  He had a blast.  
I think the highlight of his trip to BG was seeing Elmo!  He wouldn't get too close though and wouldn't even give him a high five!

We spent about 3 hours at the park and then hit the road.  C man feel asleep the second we got on the tram to the parking lot.  Poor guy!  Once in the car, we picked up sandwiches for Mommy and Daddy at The Cheese Shop and headed home!  

After a trip to the pool for Daddy and R, we had baths, dinner and then off to bed!  Here's hoping tomorrow is just as fun!  

Good night, Elmo!  

Oh and just so the Cman knows what he was like as a baby....

Friday, May 31, 2013

last day of preschool!

Today was a sad day for Mr R and I.  When I went to get him out of bed this morning to tell him we were going to the yogurt place after school today, he told me he was sad that he wouldn't see his friends after today.  My poor boy.  He got dressed and daddy made both boys a special preschool graduation breakfast of nutella and bananas on toast and we were off to preschool.

 R got to have a picnic on the grass today and then once the parents came up to take lots of pictures and drink lemonade, off we went for a celebratory frozen yogurt.  2 other friends from school showed up and then one of his best buddies from his last school came!  That yogurt place sure is something!  R had the time of his life today with his old buddy! I hope we can schedule a play date soon!  I wish I had gotten a picture of them together! 
After the yogurt place, we went back to the house while Cman napped and played board games and started book 15 of the Magic Tree House books.  We are really hoping to finish the entire series before school starts in the fall!  Daddy was playing tennis tonight, so mommy took us out to Chick-fil-a for dinner.  We met Katie and the cousins there.  R man started the summer off well with 3 servings of ice cream today!  What's summer without ice cream? 
We're off to BG in the morning! Yay!
Another great day off for me! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last day of school for C

The whirlwind activities for May are starting to wind down. Thank goodness as I am tired.  Today, I dropped the boys off at school and went for a much needed hair cut. Then I raced home to make Cman's lunch and then back to the school for his end of the year picnic lunch.  He had just 4 other kids in his class, so it was really fun talking to everyone and then C and his friend Max, decided to get into a racing game of running from the mamas to the fence and then back again... 40 million times.  They had fun. 
A new frozen ice truck came through the neighborhood and the boys enjoyed some ice.  After 3 licks, Cman finished his slushy ice shirtless in fear he'd end up wearing it! 

Not the best photo but the truck had already pulled away by the time I had my camera. 
After the slushies, we played pirate ship and made telescopes out of toilet paper rolls. I was relaxing on a raft and R was on the lookout for sharks and Captain Guts. 
We ended the night eating Spiderman Cheese Its
and then setting up an obstacle course in the driveway for R to ride his scooter. 
It was an extra special day off for me and so glad I could spend it with my boys!  Can't wait until tomorrow!